Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Growing Old Gracefully - Tips to a More Youthful You

In the modern world, people are staying younger for longer. Gone are the days when people over 50 are regarded as being "past it". Even Madonna herself is 50! Even so, it's important people from the "baby boom" generation maintain a youthful outlook on life.

Although mid-lifers are not as old as they used to be, we need our health to assure us of a quality of life into our sixties, seventies and beyond.

Here are some helpful tips to help you to grow old gracefully and healthily:

1. Stop smoking and avoid passive smoking. Smoking can cause severe damage your health and can lead to numerous diseases. A smoker's lung capacity is greatly reduced, making exercise more strenuous. Even passive smoking can bring health risks. Smoking can also induce premature aging, creating lines around the mouth and causing the yellowing of teeth. So stay beautiful and health and stop smoking or keep away from the smoke of others.

2. Keep at a healthy weight. We all notice the pounds creeping on as we get past a certain age, but it is important to maintain a healthy weight This is especially important as we get older as it helps to maintain a healthy heart and low cholesterol levels. Joints may also suffer from extra weight in your later years as it puts added strain on the joints, so work to keep the weight off.

3. Incorporate vitamins into your diet. Getting the correct intake of vitamins and minerals is very important as we get older and if it is not possible through your diet, try taking vitamins and nutritional supplements to see if they work for you.

4. Consider Supplements. Perhaps take some time to research possible supplements that may be good for you. For example, Coenzyme Q-10 is required for energy production and it also helps maintain a healthy heart and cardiovascular function. The production of Coenzyme Q-10 has been shown to decrease with age, so taking Coenzyme Q-10 supplements could help you.

5. Get a pet. Research has shown that pet owners have less stress, tend to visit the doctor less, survive longer even after a heart attack, and suffer less from depression and high blood pressure.

6. Start a hobby. During retirement keeping busy and sociable becomes especially important. Having an active mind and interacting with others can help to boost our confidence and self esteem.

7. Get walking. As we age, blood vessel walls tend to harden, however exercise keeps blood vessels pliable and helps to improve health. Try to walk the short journeys you would usually use a vehicle for. Take the stairs instead of the lift, and try to do a little light exercise everyday.

8. Reduce your stress levels. Stress caused by arguing, money worries and general irritants can cause the arteries to tighten. Try to relax as much as possible. Take time out for a walk, read a book or try some meditation techniques to ease the day's worries away.

9. Live around plants. Growing plants in a garden or greenhouse can be a great way to calm your stress levels. Tending to plants or a garden can be a great hobby to keep you entertained and active.

10. Get sociable. Making new friends, talking to new people and keeping in touch with current acquaintances are all great ways to stay sociable. Talking to people, laughing and smiling are all great ways to boost your feelings of well being and keep yourself young at heart.

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